
Recent Ordinances

  • 43784378
    Accepting .08 mile of Gary Rex Circle into parish road system for permanent maintenance.
  • 43774377
    45 MPH speed limit on Parks Road
  • 43764376
    30 MPH speed limit on Cypress Village Drive
  • 43754375
    Amending Ordinance 4333 of May 5, 2010, to include acceptance of streets in Kingston Plantation Subdivision, Unit 3, Phase 1 and 2
  • 43744374
    Accepting streets and drainage in Turtle Creek Subdivision, Unit No. 1, into parish road maintenance system.
  • 43734373
    Zoning change R-A to R-LD, PUD, for extension to Rosedale Subdivision
  • 43724372
    Providing for the regulation of noise within the unincorporated limits of Bossier Parish; fines and pehnalties for violation thereof; effective April 1, 2011
  • 43714371
    Accepting streets and drainage in Cypress Bend, Unit 3, into parish road maintenance system
  • 43704370
    Adopting 2011 Bossier Parish Police Jury budget
  • 43694369
    Zoning change at Lot 5, Killen Farms Subdivision, from R-A to I-1 for equipment storage.
  • 43684368
    Conditional Use approval for cell tower at 3528 Swan Lake Road
  • 43674367
    Accepting streets and drainage in Belle Rose at Legacy, Unit 3, into parish road maintenance system
  • 43664366
    Abandoning dedicated road right-of-way for Shirley Circle located in Lake's End Subdivision, Unit 2.
  • 43654365
    Abandoning Lake's End Subdivision, Unit No. 2.
  • 43644364
    Zoning change south of Red River Marina from R-A to I-1 for industrial park
  • 43634363
    25 MPH speed limit in Gray Duck North Subdivision
  • 43624362
    Accepting streets and drainage in Palmetto Park Subdivison , Unit No. 9, into parish road maintenance system.
  • 43614361
    Zoning change at east side of Swan Lake Road and south side of Cardnell Road from R-A to R-E for residential subdivision.
  • 43604360
    Authorizing issuance of Sales Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A, and Taxable Sales Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2010B.
  • 43594359
    Amending Ordinance No. 4342 to require separate reserve fund accounts for each issue of parity bonds.