
Recent Ordinances

  • 44384438
    Amending Bossier Parish Ordinance No. 3908 of 2003, which adopted a Unified Development Code for the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission and the Parish of Bossier, Louisiana, by changing the zoning classification of a 64.47 acre tract of land from I-1, Light Industrial District, to the previous R-LD, Residential-Low Density District, for the proposed south Bossier Park
  • 44374437
    Levying acreage tax of eight cents per acre on forest land and cut-over potential for lands in Bossier Parish for year 2012
  • 44364436
    Levying $36 user fee for EMS for year 2012
  • 44354435
    Adopting property tax millage rates for 2012 for general fund, highway fund, library fund, health unit fund and corrections facility tax
  • 44344434
    Zoning change on the south side of Highway 80 and north side of Bodcau Station Road, R-A to B-3, for future commercial use
  • 44334433
    Amending Chapter 14, Section 14-3, of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances by establishing regulations concerning the care and keeping of animals and prohibiting the running at large of dogs in Creekside Subdivision, Bossier Parish, Louisiana; Establishing penalties for violation thereof
  • 44324432
    Accepting streets and drainage in Dogwood South Subdivision, Unit No. 16, into parish road maintenance system
  • 44314431
    Zoning change from R-A to R-1, for extension of Woodlake Ridge Subdivision
  • 44304430
    Zoning change from R-A to R-LD for an extension of Dogwood South Subdivision
  • 44294429
    Accepting 0.9 mile of North Bossier Shared Use Trail into parish road system for permanent maintenance
  • 44284428
    Accepting streets and drainage in Turtle Creek Subdivision, Unit No. 2, into parish road maintenance system
  • 44274427
    45 MPH speed limit on Bolinger Cutoff Road
  • 44264426
    Authorizing the Parish of Bossier to enter into a Local Services Agreement with the City of Bossier City and authorizing the Parish Administrator to execute any documents in furtherance thereof
  • 44254425
    Revert zoning at Lot 5, Eastlake Subdivision, from B-3 to R-1
  • 44244424
    Accepting the Courtney Lane right-turn lane and median located off LA Highway 3 into parish road maintenance system
  • 44234423
    Accepting streets and drainage in Redwood Place Subdivision, Unit No. 6, into parish road maintenance system
  • 44224422
    Accepting streets and drainage in Belle Rose Subdivision, Unit No. 4, into parish road maintenance system
  • 44214421
    Amending Chapter 1, Section 1-14, of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances; "Establishment of certain days of public rest and legal holidays”, to include additional legal holidays, as approved by the Bossier Parish Police Jury
  • 44204420
    Declaring police jury's intent to acquire full ownership interest in certain adjudicated properties
  • 44194419
    Approving increase in the amount of compensation paid to members of the Bossier Parish Police Jury from $1,200 per month to $1,600 per month, effective January 18, 2012, in accordance with LA R.S. 33:1233