45144514 Approving a Conditional Use for the retail sale of high content alcohol for off-premise consumption at a retail location at 4870 Airline Drive, Bossier City, LA
45114511 Authorizing the Parish of Bossier to enter into a Local Services Agreement with the Bossier Parish School Board and authorizing the Parish Administrator to execute any documents in furtherance thereof
45104510 Officially accepting Cash Point Road located off LA Highway 3 in Sections 29 and 30, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish, LA, into the parish road system for permanent maintenance
45094509 Establishing a 35 mile per hour speed limit on Weaver Road
45084508 Establishing a 35 mile per hour speed limit on Cardnell Road
45074507 Approving a Conditional Use for the retail sale of high content alcohol for off-premise consumption at a convenience store located at 5302 Airline Drive, Bossier City, LA
45064506 An Ordinance to officially post certain bridge structures located along the parish transportation system in the Parish of Bossier, State of Louisiana
45054505 Amending Chapter 110, Section 110-221, of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances to provide the requirements for acceptance of preliminary subdivision plat/site plans as set forth by the Bossier Parish Police Jury Engineering Department
45044504 Amending Chapter 110, Section 110-86, of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances to provide the requirements for acceptance of preliminary subdivision plat/site plans as set forth by the Bossier Parish Police Jury Engineering Department
45034503 Amending Chapter 10 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances by adding Article III, “Public Interest and Special Events”; fines and penalties for violation thereof
45024502 Accepting streets and drainage in Rosedale Place Subdivision, Unit No. 14, into parish road maintenance system
45014501 Setting the franchise fee to be paid by those entities providing cable or video service within the parish of bossier under a state-granted franchise authority and otherwise providing with respect thereto
45004500 Amending Chapter 86 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances by adding Section 86-2, “Solicitation Upon Private Residence”; and providing penalties for violation thereof
44994499 Accepting streets and drainage in St. Charles Court Village Subdivision, Unit No. 4, into parish road maintenance system
44984498 An Ordinance to amend Bossier Parish Ordinance No. 3908 of 2003, which adopted a Unified Development Code for the Bossier City-Parish Metropolitan Planning Commission and the Parish of Bossier, Louisiana, by changing the zoning classification of a tract of land containing 5.82 acres, more or less, located in Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish, LA, from R-A, Residential Agriculture District, to R-LD, Residential Low Density District, for expansion of Dogwood South Subdivision
44974497 Amending Chapter 6, Article III, of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances by adding Section 6-127: “Sunday Sales of Alcoholic Beverages at Marinas in the Unincorporated Area of Bossier Parish”.