
Police Jury Meeting Notes: July 5, 2023

Posted: Jul 7, 2023, 12:41 PM

Tuesday's Fourth of July celebration at South Bossier Park went off without a hitch and Bossier Parish Administrator Butch Ford said attendance was far larger than last year's inaugural event.

"We had an estimated crowd of between 1,800 and 2,000 for this family event," Ford reported to parish police jury members Wednesday. "It was free. All folks had to do was show up and it was great."

Ford said the event, part of the KTBS Freedom Fest Finale displayed at several locations in the area, gave visitors the opportunity to see what can be offered at South Bossier Park.

"This is becoming a big event for us...South Bossier is on the map," Ford said. "Talking with KTBS, they said they're looking forward to next year. I think we know where Warren's going to be on the fourth of July for the next few years."

Warren Saucier, Bossier Parish's Director of Parks and Recreation, and his staff deserved much credit for coordinating the event and having the park in excellent condition for the evening's activities, Ford told jury members.

Also, Ford said the joint effort to produce the event included deputies from the Bossier Parish Sheriff's Office, 911 staff members and EMS personnel from the south Bossier fire district.

"We give kudos to all these who were there to make sure our visitors were safe and emergency assistance was available if needed," Ford said. "Between 8:30 and about 9:20 the cars came rolling in and after it was over, it only took 20 minutes to exit everyone from the park."

During Wednesday's meeting, jury members also:

  • Approved bids received June 27, 2023, for Project No. 2022-125, FY 2022 - LCDBG sewer system improvements, Gray Lake Gray Duck lift station.
  • Approved committee’s recommendation to award Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for engineering and related services for the Water Sector Program (WSP) – Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier-Subrecipient LA WSP10905 for the Bossier Parish Police Jury.
  • Tabled plat approval until July 19 meeting for the proposed development of Redwood Place at Legacy subdivision, Unit No. 13, a Planned Unit Development, located in Section 21, Township 19 North, Range 13 West, Bossier Parish; located off Airline Drive.
  • Approved plat of the proposed development of Seven Pointe subdivision, located in Section 34, Township 20 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish; located off Linton-Bellevue Road.
  • Scheduled public hearing on August 2 to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of Willow Creek at Benton subdivision, Unit No. 2B, Lots 19B and 18A, being a resubdivision of Lots 19A, Willow Creek at Benton subdivision, Unit No. 2A, and Lot 18, Willow Creek at Benton subdivision, Unit No. 2, located in Section 24, Township 20 North, Range 14 West, Bossier Parish; located off Old Plain Dealing Road.
  • Scheduled public hearing on August 2 to consider approval of the plat of the proposed development of Hollenshead-Tripp subdivision, Unit No. 2, being a resubdivision of Lot No. 3, Hollenshead-Tripp subdivision, located in Section 21, Township 20 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish.
  • Heard and accepted reports on meeting of the Rural Development Committee, the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee and Policy and Procedures Committee. Public Comment
  • Reappointed Dr. Gevan Spinney to the Haughton MPC Board for a four-year term, term to expire July 15, 2027.
  • Approved the Certificate of Substantial Completion for Project No. 2021-122, proposed street improvements, DR 4263 PW 910 Paved Roads, Task Order No. 10.
  • Approved Supplement No. 1 to the proposal from Civil Design Group, LLC, for South Bossier Park new multipurpose fields.
  • Approved Change Order No. 2 for Project No. 2022-109, South Bossier Park new multipurpose fields.
  • Approved the Certificate of Substantial Completion, Project No. 2022-109, South Bossier Park new athletic fields.
  • Approved Supplement Agreement No. 3 to the Owner-Engineer Agreement between the Bossier Parish Police Jury and Forte & Tablada for the required efforts in revising the bridge plans for the Caplis-Sligo Road bridge over Red Chute Bayou.
  • Agreed to revisit ordinance restricting brick mailboxes.