
June 19, 2023: Storm Damage Cleanup Information

Posted: Jun 19, 2023, 3:19 PM

Severe storms over the past few days have caused massive tree damage and power outages in Bossier Parish, and Police Jury highway department crews continue to clear debris along roadways in the northern and southern areas of the parish.

Parish Administrator Butch Ford said plans call for debris in the northern areas to be hauled to a burn facility near Plain Dealing, while permission to open a burn area in south Bossier Parish is being requested. That facility, if approved, will be located at the parish's stock area on Maeshack Rd. off LA Hwy. 157 south of Haughton.

Ford said parish work crews are removing all debris in ditches and public rights-of-way, but state law prohibits the parish from removing felled trees or debris from private property.

"If individuals have debris on their property, they should move it to our right-of-way if they can. Then, we can have our crews pick that up," he said. "We're driving all the roads in the parish to check everything. People with questions about what can be removed, they should call our highway department at 965-3752.

Power remains out in some areas of the parish and that means residents in rural areas may not have access to water. Ford said the parish has provided bottled water for distribution at two fire district stations at each end of the parish.

Residents will find water available at Northeast Bossier Fire District 5 located at 3541 LA Hwy. 2 in Plain Dealing and at South Bossier Fire Dist. 2, 3551 LA Hwy. 527, Elm Grove.

Ford said there is other basic information residents should remember during when facing conditions such as those during the past few days. Those include:

  • When traffic lights are not working, remember to consider all intersections as four-way stops.
  • Never try to drive around fallen trees or debris in roads. There's always the possibility of power lines being part of the debris in roadways. Never drive or walk over downed power lines.
  • Check on elderly neighbors, especially if power outage and extensive damage follows a storm.
  • After heavy rainfall, never try to drive through water that has topped roadways. Remember the slogan, "Turn around, don't drown."
  • Watch and listen to weather reports of approaching extreme weather and take precautions. Do not drive during heavy rain and high winds unless absolutely necessary, especially at night.
  • Do not go sightseeing in areas that have been hard-hit by storms. State and parish work crews will be trying to secure and clear those areas and first responders may be trying to handle emergency situations. Give then plenty of room.