
Police Jury Meeting Notes: November 2, 2022

Posted: Nov 8, 2022, 4:33 PM

Things are getting a little crowded in some state and parish rights-of-way where service lines are concerned and Bossier Parish Engineer Eric Hudson told police jury members the condition could have an impact on future projects.

"When we lay new sewer mains we may have to start buying our own easements if we can't get in the rights-of-way that are public," Hudson said.

Hudson said he has had conversations with one company about rights-of-way becoming congested with fiber optic cables. In one instance, seven fiber optic cables were located underground within 10 feet of one another in a single area, he said.

"This was in the state's right-of-way, but ours aren't much different. There's not much we can do unless it's our road, then there are things we can do," Hudson said.

Parish Attorney Patrick Jackson said utility lines taking up so much space in rights-of-way is a problem that has been recognized by the police jury staff for quite some time.

"Butch (Ford) has been discussing this for at least a decade, about how our easements just aren't big enough," Jackson said. "And this has a ripple effect. As easements are bigger it's more costly to develop. Prices of land keep going up."

Jackson said the intention of the police jury is not to discourage companies from laying fiber optics lines.

"We want to encourage more fiber optics, not less. We don't want them to have to go buy their own easement...that would just make it more difficult to do what we need," he said. "But, there's just so much space."

Also during Wednesday's meeting, police jury members:

  • Discussed bids received October 27 for Project No. 2021-120, DR 4263 PW 910 Paved Roads, Task Order 8; agreed to re-bid project.
  • Tabled until November 16 a public hearing to consider ordinance amending Chapter 46 of the Bossier Parish Code of Ordinances, “Environment,” to add/and or amend certain sections and/or subsections.
  • Adopted ordinance prohibiting the use of “jake brakes” or “unmuffled compression brakes” on Highway 154 at Atkins Clark Road.
  • Established a speed limit of 35 miles per hour on Franklin Road, located in Sections 23 and 24, Township 17 North, Range 12 West, Bossier Parish.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 7 to consider the application of Howell and Christi Hicks, Christwell Enterprises, LLC, to the Bossier City-Parish MPC, for a Conditional Use Approval for the sale of high and low content alcohol for on premise consumption at a bar and restaurant, Papa and Company, located at 5510 Airline Drive, Suites 105, 106 and 107, Bossier Parish.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 7 to consider the application of James Harrington, Bayou Rental Towers, LLC, to the Haughton Parish MPC, for a Conditional Use Approval to relocate an existing telecommunication tower to 201 Hilltop Road, Haughton.
  • Scheduled a public hearing on December 7 to consider designating Louisiana Southern Railroad Crossing 335788J, located near Adner Road as a private railroad crossing.
  • Reported on meeting of the Road/Subdivision Regulations Committee and on meeting of the Insurance Committee.
  • Approved applications for renewal of Bossier Parish beer/liquor licenses for 2023.
  • Approved of a request to amend the 2022 Bossier Parish beer/liquor license for Trejo’s Mexican Restaurant, 6511 Highway 80 East, Princeton, approved on December 1, 2021, to add Ms. Lourdes A. Trejo as an applicant.
  • Ratified and accept recommendation of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit Board of Appeals on October 19, 2022, in the matter of Dykes Oil Company, LLC, Report No. 2923 issued on September 6, 2022.
  • Approved of a request from Tandy “Ted” Gilbert Lemay to lease parish owned property located at 185 Linton Road, Benton.
  • Approved a request from Boomer’s Lounge for a letter of no objection to the selling of beer at Boomer’s Lounge, 7521 Highway 80, Princeton, at a special 2023 Superbowl Sunday event, February 12, 2023, from 12 p.m. until 12 a.m.
  • Approved a proposal from Philip M. Moon, MAI, Moon & Associates, for appraisal services for Gray Lake Estates Sewer System, in connection with FY2022 LCDBG-Gray Duck Estates sewer rehabilitation project.
  • Approved the Certificate of Substantial Completion for Project No. 2022-124, Kingston Plantation overlay.
  • Consider approval of final Change Order No. 1 for Project No. 2022-124, Kingston Plantation overlay.
  • Approved the Certificate of Substantial Completion for Project No. 2022-101, Coleman Road and Dalrymple Road improvements.
  • Approved final Change Order No. 2 for Project No. 2022-101, Coleman Road and Dalrymple Road improvements.
  • Approved final Change Order No. 1 for Project No. 2022-123, Bayou Bend-Castlewood drainage repairs, located on Lot 19, Bayou Bend subdivision, Unit No. 7, and Lot 20, Bayou Bend subdivision, Unit No. 7A.
  • Approved Change Order No. 1 for Project No. 2021-130, Contract 1 – Well No. 5 – North Woods well, on behalf of Consolidated Waterworks/Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Bossier.