
Police Jury Meeting Notes: August 15, 2018

Posted: Aug 15, 2018, 4:10 PM

Bossier Parish is recognized as one of the fastest growing parishes in the state and Wednesday’s meeting of the parish police jury provided proof the growth pattern shows little sign of slowing down.

During public hearings scheduled at earlier meetings, nine requests for plat approvals for proposed subdivision development, additional units for existing subdivisions and zoning changes to accommodate development were discussed.

Jury members gave plat approval for proposed development of Forest Hills subdivision unit 11, Willow Heights subdivision unit 2, Redwood Place at Legacy subdivision unit 11 and Waterford Bend subdivision unit 2.

Also receiving approval were proposed development of Bennett subdivision, Lampshire subdivision, Allen Acres subdivision and Ivey subdivision. A request for an amendment to change zoning classification of property on Airline Drive was set aside for further study.

Parks and Recreation supervisor Warren Saucier reported activities at parish parks were continuing to draw residents to the facilities. Saucier said a tournament has been scheduled at Lawson Bo Brandon Sports Complex in Princeton, an event expected to draw a large number of participants and fans.

Soccer and football activities at the park adjacent to Tall Timbers subdivision on U.S. Hwy. 80 are “...going hot and heavy right now,” Saucier said.

At the South Bossier complex, a drone competition is scheduled for the weekend of August 18 and a 10-11-year-old boys’ football jamboree featuring 12 teams will be held the following Saturday.

A water well has been completed at the parish camp in south Bossier and will supply water for campers, visitors and for a new bathroom facility that will be constructed in the future.

During Wednesday’s meeting, police jury members also:

  • In the Finance Committee meeting, members approved the Bossier Parish Police Jury’s participation in funding for the new entrance to Barksdale Air Force Base and will sign a cooperative endeavor agreement with the state of Louisiana through the DOTD.
  • Approved a Property Standards request for a condemnation hearing on property on Evangeline Dr. in Elm Grove, and granted a 30-day extension on property located on U.S. Hwy. 80 in Princeton.
  • In Finance Committee meeting, jury members agreed to create a new fund account in the Parks and Recreation fund for the Kingston Parks project and to transfer $15,000 from the Capital Projects Reserve Fund to the new account for organizational and engineering services.
  • Approved a proposal of Coyle Engineering for surveying services for Kingston Elementary Parks.
  • Also in the Finance Committee meeting, members authorized approval of a contract with Lamar Advertising Co. for eight digital billboards for the Bossier Parish Registrar of Voters office to advertise the parish’s early voting site at the parish library History Center.
  • Adopted an ordinance establishing a leash law in St. Charles Court subdivision.
  • Adopted a resolution supporting application for funding for the extension of a six-inch water line for Village Water System, including a bore under KCS Railroad tracks.
  • Approved a phasing change on the Bossier north/south corridor, I-220/Swan Lake Rd. interchange to Crouch Rd. project.
  • Adopted a resolution to authorize the police jury to acquire and/or expropriate all parcels, tracts, properties or servitudes required for construction and completion of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Willow Chute Bayou drainage improvements project.
  • Ratified approval of a proposal of Ardaman & Associates for geotechnical exploration and engineering services for the Kelli Rd. bridge replacement project.
  • Approved a proposal of Raley & Associates for topographic survey services for the Kelli Rd. bridge replacement project and for topographic survey services for the Swan Lake culvert project at the intersection of Swan Lake and Poole Rd. in south Bossier Parish.